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  • The Future of Infrastructure + BCCR AGM

The Future of Infrastructure + BCCR AGM

  • Thursday, June 06, 2024
  • 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Terminal City Club, 837 West Hastings St.
  • 9


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BCCR's Annual General Meeting will be held on June 6th at the Terminal City Club. It will be followed by a Future of Infrastructure Group presentation, panel discussion, and informal networking.

The Reducing Risk in Transit Projects report by the Future of Infrastructure Group includes a series of recommendations based on experiences from projects across Canada using different processes and tools to understand and tackle risk at every stage to support better project outcomes.

The panel discussion will focus on how risk is tackled on major transit projects across Canada and beyond. Canada is investing record amounts into transit projects, with most major cities nationwide having at least one rail line in planning or construction. Transit projects are large and complex, with many uncertainties and unknowns and large networks of interrelated responsibilities, all relying on each other to be successful. This adds up to significant project risk. Unclear, unmanaged, or misallocated risk can add considerable costs and delay project completion.


John Allen - Executive Director of the Future of Infrastructure Group. 

Corina Moore - Executive Vice President of Transportation & Infrastructure at WSP.
James Harvey - General Counsel and VP of infrastructure at Transportation Investment Corporation.
Paul Hughes - Senior Director of Cost and Project Management at Altus.
Chris Phillips – Senior Vice President Project Delivery and Project Director for Eglinton Crosstown West Extension at Infrastructure Ontario.

Darren Sokoloski - Vice President Advisory at AECOM.

The Future of Infrastructure Group brings together leading infrastructure companies to provide a positive, collaborative, and coherent voice to governments across Canada. This member-based group aims to make Canada the global leader in delivering innovation and the best value throughout the infrastructure lifecycle.

Thank you, Global Public Affairs for sponsoring this event.

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